Website Privacy Statement


南新月学院(十大网赌平台推荐)在本网站采取合理的预防措施,最大限度地保护您的隐私. 十大网赌平台推荐 cannot ensure absolute privacy. 对于任何安全漏洞或任何第三方因此类安全漏洞而采取的任何行动,我们概不负责. 这些条款告知您十大网赌平台推荐在本网站向您收集的信息, and what we do with it.


Cookies——小的文本文件下载到访问者的电脑上,在那里进行站点定制, preferences, and user IDs are stored. cookie唯一可以包含的个人信息是您提供的信息. We use cookies to help us tailor our site to your needs, to deliver a better, more personalized service. 此外,我们可能会使用cookie来跟踪用户访问我们网站上的页面. Users can set browsers to not accept cookies, but this may render parts of the site inaccessible or unusable.

IP地址——互联网协议地址——通常由互联网服务提供商(ISP)分配的唯一号码,用于识别连接到网络(本地网络或互联网)的计算机, or both). Your IP address does not identify you personally to us. 我们使用这些信息根据您的要求向您提供我们的网页, to tailor our sites to the interests of our users, and to measure traffic within our sites.

SSL(安全套接字层)-高级安全协议,用于在互联网上传输加密文档,防止窃听, interception, or tampering.

Who will have access to my information?

To apply for admissions, or personalize our website experience, 在此过程中,您可能需要提供某些信息. 我们不会向第三方出售或披露用户的联系信息. 十大网赌平台推荐 will not disclose any personally identifiable information collected online to entities outside of 十大网赌平台推荐 except: (1) where you have given your permission; (2) where the information is considered public information under the Georgia Open Records Act O.C.G.A. § 50-18-70 et. seq., or other applicable laws; (3) where required to do so by other operation of law. 访问者应知悉,通过本网站收集的信息可能会受到审查和检查, 如该等资料属公共纪录,并无其他防止披露的保护.

Voluntary Information

In order to request information and materials, register or sign up for e-newsletters, or provide comments and suggestions, 我们收集您的联系信息的明确目的是履行所要求的服务. At any time, you may opt-out of any communications or services.

If you choose to request information, or apply for courses through the website, we will request information from you including your name, address, telephone number, email address, 可能还有你的社会保险号和/或学生号. 您通过电子邮件或其他在线方式提供的个人信息将仅用于满足您的需要. The service may involve redirecting your inquiry, 向另一个更适合满足您需求的人或部门提供信息或评论.

Involuntary Information

十大网赌平台推荐 can use your IP address to compile site statistics, and the popularity of its various pages and functions. 十大网赌平台推荐不会尝试将您提供的任何个人身份信息与您的IP地址相匹配, 除非有合理的理由相信这样做可以提供与违反法律或大学条款的调查相关或必要的信息. 本中心亦可能收集有关浏览本网站所用浏览器及操作系统的资料,以及连结至本中心网站的互联网地址, as well as links followed to other sites from the 十大网赌平台推荐 site. 如果我们知道我们的用户正在访问哪些网页和访问频率,我们可以继续改进十大网赌平台推荐网站.

Privacy Notice

This privacy notice discloses the privacy practices for 本隐私声明仅适用于本网站收集的信息. It will notify you of the following:

  • 通过本网站向您收集哪些个人身份信息, how it is used and with whom it may be shared.
  • What choices are available to you regarding the use of your data.
  • 在适当的安全程序,以防止滥用您的信息.
  • How you can correct any inaccuracies in the information.


We take precautions to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline.

无论我们在哪里收集敏感信息(如信用卡数据), 这些信息是加密的,并以安全的方式传输给我们. 您可以通过在地址栏中查找锁图标并在Web页面地址的开头查找“http”来验证这一点.

虽然我们使用加密(SSL)来保护在线传输的敏感信息, we also protect your information offline. 只有那些需要这些信息来执行特定工作的员工(例如, 帐单或客户服务)被授予访问个人身份信息的权限. 我们储存个人资料的电脑/伺服器均保存在安全的环境中.



We use “cookies” on this site. cookie使我们能够跟踪和定位用户的兴趣,以增强我们网站的体验. 使用cookie不会与我们网站上的任何个人身份信息相关联.

我们的一些业务合作伙伴可能会在我们的网站上使用cookie(例如,广告商). We implement the scripts (cookies) onto our webpages, however, we have no access to or control over the data once collected, and processed by our partner(s). 这些汇总的人口统计信息将与我们的合作伙伴和广告商共享. 这不是链接到任何个人信息,可以识别任何个人.

Links to other sites

This website contains links to other sites. 请注意,我们不对此类其他网站的内容或隐私做法负责. 我们鼓励我们的用户在离开我们的网站时保持警惕,并阅读收集个人身份信息的任何其他网站的隐私声明.

Statement Changes


Contact Info

If you have comments or questions regarding privacy at, please contact us at: